
The Google Assistant reads the texts of the messaging applications

If a user is driving or riding a bike and receives a notification, his terminal can read all messages aloud. Google has updated its voice assistant in its English version and, now, allows its users to ask you to read the messages they have received in various messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram or Messenger, Slack, Discord and GroupMe.

The wizard not only allows you to receive messages, but also to reply to them (without opening the application). The technology giant already authorized the users of its virtual assistant to use it to read messages, but this function was limited only to SMS messages in Google Messages or those of the native Hangouts app . But billions of users worldwide rely on other messaging services for their daily communication, and those applications, as far as we know, were outside the limits of Assistant’s ability to read since they allowed sending but not reading ( until now).

To have this service (currently only available in English), you must tell the assistant “read my messages”. Previously, the system asks the user for permission to access phone notifications from the following message: “Google will be able to read all notifications, including personal information, such as contact names and the text of the messages it receives. you can dismiss notifications or activate the action buttons they contain. This will also give the application the ability to enable or disable Do Not Disturb and change related settings. “

Once permission is granted, the assistant is ready to go. A pop-up window appears on your phone with the last message received. The system reads it aloud, including the application it comes from and the name of the sender. You will then have the option to write or dictate an answer. Upon completion, the response is sent immediately and the original message is marked as read (the notification disappears).

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Google begins to cover a service that, at least since 2013, was carried out by other independent applications such as ReadItToMe. To use it, it is also necessary to enable the app by clicking on the green button. After allowing access, a menu is displayed in which you can select all the applications that you want the device to read to you. SMS, Whatsapp, Telegram etc.


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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