
The entrepreneur who drives Digital Marketing with Lego tokens

The entrepreneur who drives Digital Marketing with Lego tokens is

David Rodríguez Pinto uses the popular Lego building blocks to improve innovation and business performance.

One of the most innovative methodologies for solving problems in organizations and teams arrives in Colombia to learn how to successfully develop a 360º digital marketing strategy. This is Lego Serious Play, a powerful tool that uses the popular Lego building chips or building blocks to improve innovation and business performance .

David Rodríguez Pinto, through MDA Latam University , the first university in Latin America focused on digital tools, promoted this methodology in the service of Digital Marketing, understanding that a large part of the success of a project depends on how its employees are understood and integrated.

Marketing Play consists of a methodology with which we teach companies, agencies and people the relevance of working as a team. The people who have trained have achieved very good results but the people who are learning to work as a team have achieved extraordinary results. What we teach here is how they develop that ability to work in a team and how each one should contribute to carry out a project, ”says David Rodríguez, CEO of MDA Latam University.

This dynamic facilitates the encounter, communication and problem solving through a process in which people are guided through a series of questions that allow them to delve deeper and deeper into a specific topic. Each participant builds their own model in response to the facilitator’s questions using specially selected Lego elements. Finally, these models serve as the basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing and decision making based on the use of visual, auditory and cenesthetic skills.

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With more than 10 years of experience in the digital world, Rodríguez warned that creativity is fundamental to the methodology because “the fact that you have a brush does not make you a painter . ” And he explained that the idea is that people through chips feel and see how a strategy of pattern, positioning or social networks is generated, for example, embodied with chips. “The important thing is not so much the idea but its execution and, after this, the important thing is not the execution but how well it is executed and that is what we are going to teach you here, to execute it well,” he concludes.

This university wants to turn people into experts in Digital Marketing and that’s why the topics developed with this methodology range from advertising objectives and competition analysis, through remarketing, SEO strategy design and social networks to Inbound marketing, electronic commerce and payment gateways.


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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