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How to keep your online life and business safe from threats

A lot of people struggle with keeping their online accounts private and safe from cyber threats. We see incidents of Twitter accounts or Facebook accounts getting hacked every day and websites being defaced by hackers or shut down for maintenance because of a cyber incident. Cyber incidents are neither pretty nor rare. Anyone can suffer from a cyber attack, whether initiated by a hacker in a remote corner of the world or by someone close to you who has found a way to learn ethical hacking online and is misusing that information for cheap thrills or personal vengeance. No matter what your case, you can prevent these incidents significantly with just a little bit of awareness. Here we are going to tell you a few ways that you can follow to keep your online life and business safe.

The bottom line is that on the Internet, everyone is a stranger. Keep your kindness and hospitality limited to social interactions as much as possible. Even as much as a link asking for feedback could be malicious or lead to a fake Instagram sign-up page and end up stealing your credentials. Never trust anyone on the Internet unless you personally know them or are assured of their authenticity.

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