Social Media

How to Get More Followers on Instagram in 2019

It is no secret that young people spend more and more time on the internet; especially in social networks. Some of them even make a living with the content they upload to applications such as Instagram, a space in which millions of users share content all over the world. Although it is not easy to become an ” influencer ” and get the content published to receive thousands of likes and followers on instagram , there are a number of tricks that can help gain visibility.

What content do I upload?

As in other portals focused on the publication of content, such as YouTube, the most important thing before starting an account is to ask: “How far do I intend to go?” “What is the type of images and videos that can help me reach my goal? That your account is focused, for example, in fashion, does not imply that you can not share videos and images of another theme. But it will be useful to focus when other people with similar tastes begin to follow.

Learn to use the social network

Once this is done, it is important to know what the social network can offer you. In this way, you must learn not only to publish photos and videos, but to use all the tools that the application has ; like the ” Instagram Stories “, short videos that can be watched for 24 hours and that recently can be accompanied by songs . The possibility of creating a chat within them through a ” sticker ” was also recently added . It is also advisable to use the filters offered by Instagram, or other platforms, to edit the photos.

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Don’t forget the hashtag

If you want to increase the number of followers, it is important to take care of the quality of the content that is uploaded. At the same time, it should be published regularly (at least one photo or video per day).

It can also help you add a description to the content in which the title appears , the location where the image or video was made and add several hashtag . These, in particular, can be very useful, since they allow publications to reach a much wider number of users.

Exploit all the means at your fingertips

It is advisable to appear on other social networks to reach more people. Facebook is the best option in case you decide to diversify. At the same time, once your account starts to grow, creating a YouTube channel can be a good idea.

Look at the likes

When studying what type of content I should publish, it is best to look at the results of the photos and videos that I have uploaded so far. If, for example, you have shared an image with your dog and it has been the one that has received the most hearts, it would be yours to continue along that path.

followers on instagram

What do others publish?

If you want to succeed on Instagram, it never hurts to look at the path others have traveled to reach influencers. Look for people who have gained thousands of followers and discuss in their profiles a theme similar to the one you have chosen . Seeing what kind of posts they do can help you get inspired. But be careful, because also s important to be original and different from the rest.

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Not everything goes

The fact that you have to be regular on Instagram does not imply that you must upload all the photos that are taken. Not much less. Try to prioritize quality and carefully select the content you share .

Spend a while with your followers on instagram

Like YouTube and other platforms, Instagram allows you to make live shows where you can chat with your followers. Performing them from time to time and trying to spend time talking with people who consume their content can help your profile receive more visits and grow.


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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