
How To Fix The Latest Android Bug That’s Draining Your Battery

Android Bug: If your phone’s battery seems to run out too fast lately, the latest Google Play Services update could be the root of your problems.

According to Android Hacks, version 18.3.82 of Google Play Services tops the battery usage list of many users, consuming more power than other applications. It is not clear if this problem affects all devices or only some, but you can verify your case by searching for “Battery use” in the settings menu.

To prevent Google Play Services from draining your battery, we suggest you not update until Google announces an official solution. For those who have already installed the latest version of Google Play Services, there are two simple ways to solve this, although none is ideal.

First, you can download the beta version of the Google Play Services application to overcome android bug:

  • Going to the Google Play Services beta subscription page.
  • Clicking on “Become a tester”.
  • Waiting for the beta version to reach your phone. If you don’t have automatic updates enabled on Google Play, you’ll have to check for pending updates and install them manually.

In this case, you should take into account the usual warnings of the beta-phase software: you may encounter errors, blockages and unexpected behaviours when using unfinished software. And this could be widespread throughout the system, since Google Play Services manages most of the phone’s features, including notifications, application updates and even basic system behaviour and access to Google services.

The other potential solution to repair Google Play Services is to return to the previous version of the application. This could also cause some compatibility and behavioural problems in some cases.

  • Download the previous version of Google Play Services. Be sure to authorize the installation of “applications from unknown sources” when installing. (The version of APKMirror is safe).
  • After installing the previous version of Google Play Services, go to Settings> Applications and notifications> See all.
  • Scroll down and touch “Google Play Services.”
  • Touch “Data usage.”
  • Disable “Background data” to prevent the application from updating in the background. If that doesn’t work, you can disable the Google Play Store app completely, but that will bring inconvenience.
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Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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