
How to Convert JPG to Word on Windows / Mac (2021)

From Image to Word is a good idea that users implement a lot. Why? Some people may say that it is the same to insert an image into a Word document, so why do I need to find a tool to implement it? True, but in this scenario, you cannot edit the content of the image. In fact, JPG to Word refers to converting an image into an editable Word document. That is, when the image is converted into a Word document, the layout and formatting will not be changed, but you can freely remove the artwork in the image and modify its content. The source file is no longer in JPG format, but in Word .doc format.

But now we can complete our vision in multiple ways. We can use OCR to transform and integrate the technology into other programs through file conversion to achieve the goal of quick and easy manipulation. Fortunately, we found some tools and we hope they can help you a lot.

How to convert JPG to Word


EasePDF Online JPG to PDF Converter can help you. If you can’t find the most suitable function at once, take it easy. You can first go to EasePDF which is the most powerful online PDF Converter to convert JPG file to PDF file and then convert PDF file to Word file. This seems a bit complicated, but it is actually the simplest way.


If you are looking for a faster way to convert JPG, you may consider using Zamzar, a free online file conversion tool. You can directly convert JPG to Word. Not only can you easily convert JPG to Word document, but it also supports rare image formats such as 3fr, raf, tga, etc. It only takes a few clicks to get the file format you want.

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PDFelement Pro

The advantage of PDFelement Pro is that you can convert JPG to Word through its efficient OCR technology. With PDFelement, you have two ways to convert JPG images to Word document. The first option is to convert in the order of JPG-PDF-WORD as described in Method 1, and the second option is to convert using OCR technology. Here, we recommend that you give PDFelement OCR a try.

Use photos to quickly get a Word document in Windows

The Photos application in Windows 10 is an application to collect photos from your PC, mobile phone and other devices, and then put them together in a place where you can easily find what you are looking for. It is image browsing software configured in Windows 10. You can also quickly convert JPG to Word files without installing other software.

Use Preview to convert JPG / JPEG to Word on Mac

Preview is software that Mac specifically installs in advance to help users edit files. Did you know that it can also convert your JPG images into a Word document? Let’s take a look at how to do it step by step.


The above is about how to convert JPG to PDF. In fact, online tools are suitable for all systems, and if you want to use programs offline, you need to pay attention to whether the software is compatible with your system or not when you download it. If you have something you want to share with us, let us know your comment


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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