
Google is growing: it’s called Android 10 Q, and that keeps changing

Google’s Android operating system now runs on 2.5 Billion devices. To celebrate Android Q, there is a new name and a new logo. The reasons are understandable, but it also ends a great tradition.

Android Q is called Android 10 – no dessert

No one really expected that. For weeks, the Android world speculates on the name of Android 10 Q and thinks about desserts that start with Q. In 2019 this is over. Android Q is simply called Android 10. No more things, there is no speculation about the name of the dessert and the statue that Google usually places on campus.

Google has founded the new Android name on the official blog. It is mainly intelligibility. With a worldwide operating system and countless languages, dessert names in an operating system version simply have nothing to look for. According to Google, users had trouble recognizing whether the Android version is new or old they use. That’s why Google decided to take this step. Android 10, 11, 12 and others are clearly visible, in any language.

This Google phone gets the solution on Android 10 first *

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Android 10: the new logo

The robot remains, it only belongs to the community. Android lyrics are now announced in black. The previously used green color has created difficulties for people who have trouble recognizing colors. In the coming weeks, Google will start implementing the new logo with Android 10. However, when exactly the new version of Android appears, it remains open. That hasn’t betrayed Google today. We will inform you when the new version is available. What do you say to the new name and logo?

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Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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