
Google closes the Google Trips travel app

Google removes its Google Trips travel planning application. The company definitely closes the doors of this travel application, so users must go to Google Maps in case they want to plan a trip.

Users will not lose the information stored in Google Trips

This application was intended to become a travel guide ; However, the app has not reaped enough success, so Google has decided to throw it away as it did with other apps that have not been well received by users.

The purpose of this application was to provide users with data on places to go on trips and activities to perform on tourist sites, as well as information on means of transport and restaurants close to the user.

Google Trips users could store information related to their trips. Despite the closure of the app, users should not worry because they will not lose this information , be they notes, reservations, saved sites … The user will be able to access this content in the Travel section of the Google search by accessing their account Google.

This information is also available in the Google Maps application. In addition, the company will offer a section within the application that will allow you to manage information related to travel, reservations, among other data without an Internet connection.

Therefore, Trips features will no longer be available in a single app but will be distributed in the Google browser and Google Maps.

In this way, Google closes another of its platforms due to not having enough success. On May 30, it was the turn of YouTube Gaming, which after not having achieved the expected number of users, Google unified this platform with the original YouTube service by integrating the content of the video game space in the specific YouTube section for this content.

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Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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