
Crypto Trading and the Simulators That Will Teach It

Crypto trading is the future of the world of finance because virtual currencies are the next step and the evolution of fiat currency. These kinds of currencies are popular because of the benefits they offer. They’re decentralized currencies that offer anonymity and security which is something that doesn’t come with fiat currencies.

The profit potential is another benefit and the one that gets the interest of many. That’s why most people are looking to get into crypto trading. With that said, it’s no wonder that the gaming industry is responsible for creating so many crypto trading simulators.

These games are parts of the crypto gaming market which started back in 2017 with CryptoKitties, the first-ever crypto game. The thing about these simulators is that they offer a variety of crypto to trade with or focus on a single crypto. Also, they can focus on the buying and selling aspects or give you an all-around approach.

Crypto trading

Moreover, they come with a virtual market and virtual assets. The virtual money is there too, but the prices of these assets are real so you’ll practice just like you were trading in the real world. Here are a couple of apps you’ll come across:

Bitcoin Mining Profit Calculator

This is for those that have no idea about crypto trading. This game plays like a text adventure game and it will give you all you need to know about Bitcoin and trading it. With that said, Bitcoin Mining Profit Calculator will also come with various prompts that you’ll need to deal with. If Bitcoin is your preferred cryptocurrency then you’ll find this game right up your alley. Then again you can always go for a trading platform that will trade in your stead, a trading platform like Bitcoin Profit.

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This is a platform that relies on user input to work. This means you’ll need to learn about its settings and the various kinds of adjustments you can do to them. That’s why you’ll need an account as well as a small starting budget that will take the form of a small deposit. To get familiar with the settings and adjustments you’ll need to go over a couple of tutorials and fiddle with a demo account. Then it’s time for the live session and afterward, you’ll get to enjoy the many benefits of this app like the low commission.


There aren’t as many simulator apps quite like Niffler. That’s because it doesn’t just give you the popular cryptocurrencies to trade with but it also some new ones as well. Moreover, it’s an all-around app which means it doesn’t just focus on the buying and selling aspects of crypto trading. It focuses on other things like shorting a position, using leverage, going long, and more.

You’ll learn various skills and you’ll have the badges to prove that. After some time with the app, you’ll get to the verified status and you’ll have a complete portfolio of skills and you’ll be able to help the newcomers.

Altcoin Fantasy

Unlike the previous entry, Altcoin Fantasy focuses on popular cryptocurrencies only. Besides buying and selling assets you’ll also learn how to analyze the market and you’ll also have the chance to compete in various contests. The prize is a specific amount in your preferred cryptocurrency.


With the crypto trading skills, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful Bitcoin trader. Finding the right exchange and wallet will help you with trading. But so will finding a crypto out of the several digital currencies and sticking to it. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the value of the crypto as you’ll need to adapt to changes.

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Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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