7 Types Of Content Every Website Needs To Succeed

If you are in the process of having a new website built, you’re likely giving a lot of
thought to the type of content that you need to populate it with. What are you going
to write on your home page? Will you share any background information on your
brand? How long will your product descriptions be? These are all very important
questions and in this article we’ll cover the main types of content your website needs
to succeed…

newyork city SEO

1. Compelling sales copy

First and foremost, your home page should be written with exceptional sales copy. This means having compelling titles and headers with short and punchy language that effortlessly communicates your value proposition and unique selling point. The best home page sales copy should address the common pain points for your prospective customers and offer solutions – thus encouraging them to explore your products and / or services further. Then of course, your service and product pages should be written with expert precision. It’s not just about the content itself, but the layout as well. Implement bullet points for critical features and ensure that any elements such as “add to basket” are bold and prominent.

2. Testimonials

Having testimonials and customer reviews on your home page is not necessarily an essentiality, but it certainly helps. When page visitors see genuine reviews from other people who have worked with you, it builds authority and trust. This can be the difference between a visitor converting into a customer or exiting you website to check out one of your competitors

Read More:   How to Increase Traffic to Your Website? 

3. Visual content

The majority of consumers are visual learners which is why it makes perfect sense to incorporate visual elements to your website. You don’t want to go overboard and plaster nothing but images over your website (as they take forever to load – which is a conversion killer), however, several well-placed and optimized images can work wonders. This is particularly handy for infographics and customer journeys. When a visitor can visualise your products and / or services with clarity, it might just be the encouragement they need to proceed.

4. FAQ’s

When it comes to adding content to your website, don’t underestimate the value of addressing frequently asked questions. Not only is this an effective way of bringing more traffic to your website, but it can help take the strain off your customer service team as well. The fact is, if you provide as much information as possible regarding your products and services, in many cases your page visitors will find all of the info they need without having to pick up the phone or send an email. This in turn can be very helpful for improving your conversion rate.

5. Video content

Video content isn’t a must-have, but the statistics don’t lie; websites with high-quality video content experience much higher conversions. Most people enjoy watching video content online and when it clearly explains the various products and services we are thinking about buying, it makes us far more obliged to proceed.

6. Blog content

A blog is optional but when it comes to SEO, it is practically essential. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to address some of the most commonly discussed topics in your industry, cover areas that tend not to have much information available online, and simply demonstrate your authority in your industry by sharing your extensive knowledge. Not only can a blog help you to connect with and entertain your ideal audience, but when optimized well it can positively influence your websites ranking in search engines like Google.

Read More:   SEO Basics: 17 Essentials You Need For Optimizing Your Site

7. Content assets

Content assets can make great lead magnets. For example, many websites offer free eBooks on their website with the latest hints and tips.

For example, a New York City SEO company might offer a free eBook with the hottest digital marketing trends for 2023. In return, people who want the free information will give their email address and sign up to a weekly newsletter. Following that, using email marketing they can nurture their email list in order to bring new clients on board, inspire brand loyalty with existing clients, and even upsell.


Rose is a technology enthusiast and a writer. She had the interest to write articles related to technology, software, Mobiles, Gadgets and many more.

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